Western Victoria

Is your GP clinic closed?
Contact our free GP after-hours telehealth service on 1800 46 8800

Our free, after-hours GP after-hours telehealth service is available between 6pm & 10pm Monday to Friday and 12pm, midday to 4pm Saturday, Sundays or Public Holidays.

Supported locations

Locations supported during this pilot program include the local government areas of:

  • City of Greater Geelong

  • Borough of Queenscliffe

  • Colac-Otway Shore

  • Golden Plains Shire

  • Surf Coast Shire

  • City of Ballarat

  • Central Goldfields Shire

  • Hepburn Shire

  • Moorabool Shire

  • Pyrenees Shire

  • City of Warrnambool

  • Corangamite Shire

  • Glenelg Shire

  • Moyne Shire

  • Southern Grampians Shire

  • Horsham Rural City

  • Ararat Rural City

  • Hindmarsh Shire

  • Northern Grampians Shire

  • West Wimmera Shire

  • Yarriambiack Shire

Worried about your loved one? Call now.

1800 46 8800

In a medical emergency, call 000

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the GP After-Hours service available?

  • Weeknights, Mon-Fri - 6pm-10pm

  • Sat, Sun, and Public Holidays - Midday – 4pm

Is there a cost to use the service?

No, the service is free of charge to community members within the designated regions.

Can I call even if I do not have a regular GP?

Yes, the service is available to all community members within the specified region postcodes.

How long will it take before I can expect to speak with a GP?
When you reach the after-hours service, you can anticipate that you will be consulted within an hour of calling.

 What can I expect from my telehealth consultation?
The GP will consult with you for the treatment or management of your health issue or concern. The consultation may involve the use of prescribed medications, diagnostics or therapy, conventional or alternative.

Please note: NO medications for addiction will be prescribed by this service.

Will my consultation details/results be sent to my regular GP?
Yes, patients can consent for their consultation record to be shared with their regular GP.  Intu HealthCare ensures referred patients receive clinically/medically appropriate care, with availability to support follow-up with local GPs post consultation and treatment, when required.

How will Intu HealthCare help me?
Our friendly staff will answer all calls, requesting your details and symptoms, which are then passed on to our on-call GP to consult.

Please note: This is not an Emergency Service. Please call 000 in an emergency.

If your symptoms become worse, please phone again so our operators can suggest an alternative course of action.  Should we experience any unforeseen delays our staff will attempt to contact you.

Can I provide feedback on my consultation?

Yes, Intu HealthCare provides a survey link after your consultation, with the opportunity for you to provide feedback on your experience with the consultation, GP, referral pathway, likelihood of engaging with the service in the future, referring family and friends, improvement ideas and free text option for additional comments.

Feedback is essential for the service to ensure that we continue to improve our service, providing quality healthcare outcomes and advice.

How will my personal information be managed?
Our GPs assess any concerns or issues regarding patient safety, clinical need, preference, and appropriateness of telehealth consultations.

Your medical records are a confidential document. Intu HealthCare adheres to all required standards, frameworks, and guidelines for sharing or storing information. These include but are not limited to Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM), Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP), Privacy Act 1988, Health Records Act 2001.

Who is Intu HealthCare?
Intu HealthCare was established in New South Wales from a team of healthcare professionals with a desire to contribute more to the health and wellbeing of the communities we support.

Intu HealthCare provides healthcare and wellness services that are accessible, providing improved health outcomes and wellness for everyone.

Intu HealthCare provides GP-led low acuity care by practitioners with real-world experience with the expertise, skills, knowledge, and qualifications necessary to provide the best care for the diverse communities, facilities, and private enterprises we support.

Older woman checking prescription while on telehealth phonecall.

This after-hours initiative is proudly supported by Western Victoria Primary Health Networkrk.

After-hours flyers

A flyer advertising the Intu Healthcare after hours GP service.
A flyer advertising the Intu Healthcare after hours GP service.